Listen, Jack, no malarkey! Here's the deal, 1 Chronicles 24 is all about the divisions of the priests and the Levites. It turns out that David and his advisors already decided who was gonna do what, and it was all organized and it was a big deal. My father used to say that the divisions were established by lot, which means, uh, you know, that it was like a lottery or something. So, the priests were divided into twenty-four groups, and the Levites were divided into twelve groups. See here, Jack, this was literally thousands of years ago, and they had it all organized and, excuse me, it was all written down. In fact, the sons of Aaron, the priests, were assigned a lot more responsibilities than the Levites, who were in charge of taking care of the tabernacle, which was like a temple, I think. Anyway, it was a very serious matter, and David took it seriously, and what was that? He made sure that everyone knew their responsibilities, and not gonna happen that they would forget. I tell you what, it was a big deal back then, and it's still a big deal today.