Listen, Jack, here's the deal. This chapter deals with a man named David, who I guess was a king or something. He was taking a count of the people in his kingdom and it made God angry. So God sent a plague against the people and it was pretty serious. C'mon, man! Thousands of people died, but it was all David's fault. So David had to build an altar to make up for it, and it worked. God stopped the plague and things were back to normal. See here, Jack, my father used to say that you can't mess with God and not expect consequences. I'm not joking! But thankfully, David got it all worked out. Literally, he was forgiven and all was good. Now, what was that? Oh, and uh, you know, no malarkey! Not gonna happen. Just tell the people to keep their faith and God will take care of the rest. I tell you what, excuse me, but God always provides.