Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I tell you what, this chapter is about the descendants of King David of Israel. It's literally a long list of names, starting with his sons. Amnon, Daniel, Absalom, Adonijah, Shephatiah, and Ithream. Excuse me, I'm not even kidding. That's just the beginning. Then there are the descendants of his son, Hezron. And then the descendants of his son, Ram. No malarkey, it goes on like that for a while. It's almost like a family tree. My father used to say, "Folks, if you want to know who your family is, just look it up in the Bible." C'mon, man! See here, Jack, it's right there, in 1 Chronicles 3. Or uh, you know, check it out in Matthew 1. What was that? Oh, yeah, and the chapter ends with a brief mention of King Rehoboam's descendants. Not gonna happen, that he's not mentioned in detail. There's just no time for that.