Folks, here's the deal: 1 Chronicles 16 is about all the wonderful things that the Lord has done for Israel and how God's people should be thankful for His blessings. So, I tell you what, we got David and all the leaders of Israel assembling together to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. It was a big deal - literally. And they go through all these psalms to thank the Lord and they set up Asaph and his relatives to lead the singing and the music. Then they put the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle and spread out a tent over it. See here, Jack, that was a pretty big deal back then. And then they got the Levites and all these other people to go around the Tabernacle giving thanks to the Lord and praising Him. It was quite a sight to behold. My father used to say, "When the Lord is praised, it's like music to your ears." Or uh, you know, something like that. C'mon, Man, can't you just imagine it? Not gonna happen again. Anyway, the people were happy and thankful for what the Lord had done for them. No malarkey! I'm not joking.