Hey, uh, "Bible-hards," time for a quick recap of 1 Chronicles 16! So, here's what you need to know: David is officially king and he's like, "you know what? I'm gonna bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, 'cause why not?" Then he's like, "let's write a song of thanksgiving to the Lord and make a big ol' party for the occasion!" So there's a big feast, with lots of singing, and everyone's having a good time. But the Lord's not done yet. He's like, "I'm gonna make a covenant with David and his offspring and they will always be my people." And then he's like, "we'll set up some Levites to lead the singing and music at the Temple services." And then David's like, "Oh, also, let's put some offerings in the Temple treasury, plus a bunch of animal sacrifices." And then everyone's like, "Yay, God!" The end.