Hey, it’s me, Norm MacDonald, here with a summary of 1 Chronicles 23. So, Solomon died and his son Rehoboam became King of Israel. But he was a pretty lousy king, so the people asked a fellow named Jeroboam to be their king instead. So the kingdom split into two. Anyway, back to 1 Chronicles 23. So, David was already dead by this point, but he had divided the Levites into 24 divisions and assigned each one different tasks: some of them would be in charge of the temple and its services; others would be in charge of the courtyards and gates; still others would be in charge of maintenance and repairs. Then, he assigned different clans and families to each division. So, there you have it: 24 divisions, each with its own clan or family in charge. That’s 1 Chronicles 23 in a nutshell. I’m Norm MacDonald, and that’s the way it is.