Peter: Alright, so 1 Chronicles 23, it's all about how King David put together a team of Levites to help with the Temple.

Lois: Yeah, and they had to be between the ages of 30 and 50, so not too old, not too young.

Brian: Uh, I think you may have just described the perfect age for an action movie star.

Peter: That's it, Brian, the Temple was like a big, ancient action movie!

Lois: Okay, Peter, let's stay focused. So these Levites were in charge of taking care of the Temple, making sure it was in perfect condition.

Brian: Sounds like a lot of work - that's why I'm glad I'm not a Levite.

Peter: Yeah, it was a lot of work, but King David thought it was important, so he divided the Levites into four groups and assigned them different tasks.

Lois: Like what?

Peter: Well, there were musicians, gatekeepers, temple servants and treasurers.

Brian: Wow, kinda like the Avengers, but for the Temple.

Lois: Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, these Levites had to make sure the Temple was running smoothly and that the worshipers were taken care of.

Peter: That's right. And the Levites had to be dedicated and obedient to the Lord and follow all his commands.

Brian: Sounds like a pretty important job.

Lois: Yes, and it's a job that they still do to this day.

Peter: That's right, so let's give a big shout out to all the Levites out there!