Peter: Alright, so 1 Chronicles 18... Lois: What does it say? Peter: Well, according to the Bible, it says David conquered some cities, and then took some spears and shields from the kings of those cities. Brian: Wow, so he was like a real-life Thor, huh? Peter: Kind of, yeah. He also got a bunch of gold and silver, which he then gave to the Temple. Meg: So he was like a medieval Scrooge McDuck? Peter: Yeah, kinda. Then he conquered the Philistines, too, and made them pay tribute. Stewie: Ah, like a really violent version of the Monopoly man... Peter: Yeah, I guess so. Then he got a bunch of chariots and horses, and defeated the Arameans. Cleveland: So he was like a cross between a Gladiator and a NASCAR driver? Peter: Yeah, you could say that. And then he died, and the people of Israel mourned for him. Quagmire: Man, what a ride!