Brian: Okay, so in 1 Chronicles 25, we learn that King David appointed some gifted musicians and singers to perform in the temple of the Lord.

Peter: Wait, wait, wait. Is this like when I try to play the guitar?

Lois: Peter, no one wants to hear about that.

Peter: Aw, come on, it's not that bad. I mean, I'm like Slash from Guns N' Roses up there.

Brian: Moving on, the musicians were divided into 24 divisions, each of which was headed by one of King David's sons.

Lois: So, like a royal boy band?

Brian: Not quite. The musicians were also given instructions by a man named Heman, who was an expert in music.

Peter: Just like the voice of an angel, am I right?

Lois: Peter, please.

Brian: Anyway, the musicians and singers then began to play and sing praises to the Lord, and they were joined by cymbals, harps, and lyres.

Lois: Sounds like a scene from a musical.

Peter: Yeah, like High School Musical!