Peter: Alright, so 1 Chronicles, 6...lemme see here. Alright, so it's about the people in the line of Aaron, the high priest. Lois: Oh wow, so like, Aaron was like the main priest guy, right? Peter: Yeah, and so this chapter talks about who his descendants were and all that stuff. Meg: So it's like a genealogy? Peter: Yeah, it's like the Bible's version of 'Who Do You Think You Are?' Stewie: Ah yes, the classic British television show in which celebrities trace their roots back to distant relatives in order to uncover hidden family secrets. Brian: Ugh, can we get back to the Bible please? Peter: Right, so it talks about who Aaron's sons were and then who their sons were and so on and so forth. Quagmire: So it's like a bunch of dudes just naming other dudes? Peter: Yeah, pretty much. Meg: Wow, sounds like a good time. Peter: Yeah, it's a real page turner.