Folks, here's the deal. I'll tell you what, 1 Chronicles 29 is a special chapter that tells us of the generous contributions of King David and the people of Israel. Now, I'm not joking, but that's literally thousands of years ago. My father used to say, 'Joey, you can never go wrong by giving to the Lord.' C'mon, man! See here, Jack, everyone gave willingly and heartily. Gold, silver, bronze, and gems, you name it. The people even gave horses and chariots. The king himself gave a hundred thousand gold coins and a million silver coins. Now, excuse me, but what was that? A million silver coins! No malarkey! You know what happened next? King David praised the Lord and the people rejoiced in the Lord. That's how it's supposed to be. Now, I tell you what, if you want to get something out of this chapter, then you can take this away: God loves a cheerful giver. Or uh, you know, that's not gonna happen.