Listen, Jack, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about here, so no malarkey, C'mon man! 2 Chronicles is all about the great King Solomon and his time on the throne of Israel. He was the son of King David, and the Lord raised him up to be a great leader. Here's the deal: he was the wisest man ever, he literally had the wisdom of an angel! He was so wise he could talk to animals. My father used to say "You don't want to mess with a man who can talk to animals!" I'm not joking. So this chapter tells the story of how Solomon asked God for wisdom and God granted his request. See here, Jack, Solomon made a deal with God that if he gave him a wise and discerning heart, then God would bless him with wealth and honor too. And God was like "What was that? You want wisdom AND wealth? Ha! OK, it's a deal!" Not gonna happen. So Solomon asked for wisdom, and God granted his request. But he also gave him wealth, honor, and long life. I tell you what folks, that's a win-win as far as I'm concerned! Excuse me, I'm getting a bit carried away here, but you get the point.