Folks, here's the deal: 2 Chronicles 10 tells us about how Rehoboam was confronted by the people of Israel. Rehoboam had become king after the death of his father Solomon, and the people of Israel asked him to lighten the yoke of slavery. Now, my father used to say, "You can't be king if your people don't love you!" But Rehoboam was stubborn and wouldn't listen to the people's plea. So, the people of Israel literally split away from him and chose Jeroboam to be their king. Not gonna happen, Rehoboam thought. He gathered his own army to fight against the people of Israel. But before the battle began, God sent a prophet to try and talk some sense into Rehoboam and his men. See here, Jack, the prophet said, "If you don't stop, God's gonna punish you!" But Rehoboam was still stubborn and didn't listen, so the Lord sent a plague and many of Rehoboam's men were killed. What was that? I'm not joking. And that's the story of 2 Chronicles 10.