Hey folks, here's the deal. I'm not gonna tell you a tall tale or any malarkey here! It's 2 Chronicles 31. My father used to say, “Listen, Jack, the people of Judah brought their tithes and offerings to the Temple.” C'mon, man! Hezekiah was king and he was a good one, let me tell you. He ordered the Levites to bring the offerings to the Temple. He made sure the priests and Levites were given their share to eat. See here, Jack, the Levites and priests loved it! Hezekiah even gave them cities and fields to plant. What was that? He wanted them to be able to eat, “from the Lord's own offerings”. Excuse me, but that’s literally what it says in the Bible. Hezekiah was a great leader and even the people of Israel and Judah brought offerings to the Temple. Not gonna happen, but Hezekiah organized the priests and Levites into groups so that the Temple of the Lord could be served properly. I tell you what, it was a great time in Israel and Judah! No malarkey!