Peter: Alright, so 2 Chronicles 31. Uh, okay. So, it's about King Hezekiah and how he did some stuff, like he had all the priests and Levites give out the tithes and offerings and stuff.
Lois: What kind of offerings?
Peter: Uh, like sacrifices to God, ya know? He also ordered the Temple to be repaired, and he distributed the food among the people.
Lois: Oh, okay.
Brian: Yeah, and he put a bunch of his guys in charge to make sure everyone followed the rules and made the right offerings.
Stewie: Ugh, this is so boring. Can't we talk about something more exciting, like that new Transformers movie that just came out?
Peter: No, Stewie, this is important. We need to pay attention.
Stewie: Oh, all right. So, what else?
Peter: Well, Hezekiah appointed singers to sing praises to the Lord, and he also made sure the Temple was properly staffed and supplied.
Lois: That sounds like a lot of work.
Peter: Yeah, it was. But Hezekiah was a righteous king and he made sure everything was done according to God's laws.