Peter: Alright, so in 2 Chronicles 2, Stewie is all like, "Hey, Brian, I'm gonna build this temple for God, and I need to get some materials from Tyre. Can you help me out?"
Brian: Sure, Stewie. So then Stewie sends a letter to King Hiram of Tyre asking for materials and assistance in building the temple.
Lois: But wait, don't forget that in the meantime, Stewie has to find a craftsman to help him build the temple. So, he sends out a call to all the best builders in the land.
Peter: Yeah, and then he sends a bunch of gold, silver, iron and wood to the King of Tyre. King Hiram is like, "What the heck? All this stuff from Stewie? Alright, I'll send you some cedar logs and stonemasons to help out."
Stewie: So then I get a bunch of craftsmen from Tyre and start building this temple for God.
Brian: But of course, it's not that easy. Stewie has to make sure he gets the dimensions and measurements just right, and he also has to oversee the building of the temple.
Lois: Yeah, and then at the end of 2 Chronicles 2, Stewie has all the materials and craftsmen he needs, and the building of the temple is underway!