Peter: Alright, what do we got going on in 2 Chronicles 5?
Lois: Well, Peter, it seems king Solomon gathered the leaders of Israel to bring the Ark of the Covenant to the temple.
Brian: No way! Like Indiana Jones?
Quagmire: No, Brian, it's nothing like Indiana Jones.
Cleveland: Yeah, man. It's more like that time I tried to move my refrigerator with a shopping cart.
Lois: Anyway, they carried the Ark into the temple, and then they sacrificed so many animals that they couldn't count them all.
Meg: Ew, gross!
Peter: Yeah, Meg, but it was all a part of the big ceremony. Then, a cloud filled the temple, so they couldn't do anything else.
Joe: Wow, I guess it was like a big fog machine at a concert.
Stewie: Yeah, except instead of fog, it was the glory of God!
Peter: Right, and that's the end of 2 Chronicles 5.