Lois: Alright, so what Bible chapter are we summarizing today?

Peter: 2 Chronicles 33. It's all about King Manasseh.

Brian: Ah, yes, Manasseh. The King of Judah who turned away from God and caused the people to turn away from Him as well.

Lois: Yeah and then God sent prophets to warn him to repent of his evil ways.

Peter: But Manasseh wouldn't listen, so God punished him and the people of Judah by sending the Assyrians to conquer them.

Stewie: But then Manasseh realized his mistake and humbled himself and prayed to God, so God had mercy on him and Judah and brought them back home.

Quagmire: And then Manasseh got rid of all the idols and pagan altars and restored Judah's worship of God.

Lois: So in the end Manasseh repented of his sins and God forgave him.

Brian: Talk about getting a second chance. Just like that time when I got a second chance to win the Nobel Prize for my groundbreaking work in the field of quantum physics.

Peter: What are you talking about Brian? You don't even know what quantum physics is!

Brian: Oh yeah? Well at least I've seen the movie.