[Peter Griffin] Hey, so I just finished reading 2 Chronicles 10! It turns out that the people of Israel were divided into two factions, and the King of Israel, Rehoboam, was trying to decide which group to side with. So he asked his advisers for advice, and then he asked his dad's old advisers for advice. The old advisers told him to be kind to the people and lighten their burden, but Rehoboam didn't listen. He decided to be harsh and cruel, and the people of Israel split into two separate kingdoms. [Lois Griffin] Wow, sounds like a real bummer! [Brian Griffin] Sure does, Lois. It's like that time I decided to get a new hairdo and ended up with a mohawk, only much worse! [Peter Griffin] Yeah, but at least it all worked out in the end. The two sides got back together and Rehoboam repented of his ways and the kingdom of Israel was reunited. [Lois Griffin] Sounds like a happy ending! [Stewie Griffin] Yeah, and now we all know never to trust a mohawk!