Peter: Alrighty then, let's talk about 2 Chronicles 36. Lois: What's it about, Peter? Peter: Well, it's all about King Zedekiah and how he ignored God and was eventually overthrown. Meg: Wow, that's a bummer. Peter: Yeah, it sure is. He was a bad dude. Brian: Yeah, kind of like that guy from Breaking Bad. Peter: Exactly. Anyway, after Zedekiah's reign was overthrown, the Babylonians came and destroyed the temple and Jerusalem and took the people away. Meg: That's awful! Peter: Yeah, it is. They were basically taken from their homeland and exiled. But the good news is that even though the Babylonians were trying to destroy the people's faith, the people never lost their faith in God. Brian: You mean like that one episode of The Simpsons where Homer almost joined a different religion? Peter: Yeah, kind of like that. They still kept their faith in God even after all the bad stuff that happened. Meg: Wow, that's really inspiring. Peter: Yeah, it really is.