Batman: Robin, our mission is to uncover the truth about the events of 2 Chronicles 36.

Robin: Yes, Batman! What do we know?

Batman: We know that the people of Judah and Jerusalem rejected God's prophets and instead worshipped idols. As a result, God sent the King of Babylon to attack the city and take the people away as captives.

Robin: What a terrible tragedy!

Joker: Ha ha ha! What a hilarious turn of events!

Batman: Joker, your idiocy knows no bounds. We must remember that God was punishing the people for their disobedience.

Joker: Oh, come on Batman. Lighten up!

Batman: No, Joker. We must stay focused. After the Babylonians took the people away, they appointed a new king, Zedekiah, who also disobeyed God. As a result, God sent the King of Babylon to attack the city again, this time burning it to the ground and taking away all the remaining people as captives.

Robin: This is a sad story, Batman.

Batman: It is, Robin. But it is also a reminder of the power of God, and a warning to us all to be obedient to Him.