Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! It looks like 2 Chronicles 24 is a real page-turner!
Robin: That's right, Batman! It says the people of Judah sinned against the Lord so King Joash had to pay a penalty.
Joker: Oh, come on, you two! That's not exactly riveting.
Batman: We mustn't forget, Joker, that after Joash paid the penalty, the Lord blessed him and the people of Judah.
Robin: And then the priests fixed up the temple and the people of Judah brought offerings to the Lord!
Catwoman: But not everybody was so keen on the temple being fixed up. Some of the wicked people of Judah wanted to destroy it and kill the priests, so they had to be stopped.
Batman: Thankfully, the army of Judah was able to fend off the wicked people and the temple was saved!
Joker: Yawn. I'm out of here.
Batman: Hold on, Joker! We still have to mention that King Joash died and his son, Amaziah, became king and continued the good work of restoring the temple!
Robin: Right you are, Batman! A real happy ending!