Batman: Gosh, Robin! It looks like the evil King Manasseh has been bribed by a wicked sorcerer to turn away from God.

Robin: That's right, Batman. All the people in Jerusalem have been worshiping false gods and doing all sorts of wicked things.

Joker: Ha ha ha, what a bunch of fools! They don't know what they're missing out on by turning away from God!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker. In chapter 34 of the Bible, a young boy named Josiah comes to the throne and leads the people back to God. He orders the temple to be repaired and even makes a covenant with God, promising to follow His laws.

Robin: Wow, that's really inspiring, Batman! Josiah is such a great example of someone who is willing to turn back to God and lead his people in the right direction.

Catwoman: But don't forget, Josiah was only able to do all this because of the help of the high priest, Hilkiah, who found the law of the Lord in the temple.

Batman: That's right, Catwoman. We can all learn a lesson from Josiah and Hilkiah's example. No matter how dark things may seem, with God's help we can always find our way back to Him.

Joker: (groans in frustration)

Batman: Don't worry, Joker. I'm sure you can find your own way back to God someday.