Batman: Robin, we must investigate the news of Rehoboam's defeat at the hands of Shishak, King of Egypt!
Robin: Yes, Batman, it appears that Rehoboam has been humbled by the Egyptians and Shishak has taken all of the treasures of Jerusalem and the temple!
Joker: Ha ha! Sounds like Rehoboam was having a bad day!
Batman: Joker, your criminal activities know no bounds, but this is a serious matter. We must help King Rehoboam learn from his mistakes.
Robin: That's right, Joker. Rehoboam humbled himself and sought the Lord's forgiveness. He also removed all of the idols from Judah and Jerusalem.
Catwoman: Well, it looks like Rehoboam is learning a lesson here!
Batman: Indeed, Catwoman. And the Lord was pleased with Rehoboam and restored the kingdom to him.
Robin: We shall have to keep an eye on Rehoboam from now on to make sure he follows the Lord's path!
Batman: You're right, Robin. But for now, let's keep an eye out for any more trouble from Shishak and his Egyptian forces.