Robin: Holy history books, Batman! It looks like King Amaziah of Judah was doing pretty well for himself!

Batman: Indeed, Robin. He had served the Lord faithfully and was victorious over the Edomites.

Riddler: Ah, but he was foolish enough to bring the gods of the Edomites into his worship.

Batman: That led to a confrontation with the prophet of God, and King Amaziah wouldn't repent.

Catwoman: So he was eventually defeated and killed in a rebellion by his own people.

Robin: And his son Joash was crowned in his place.

Batman: Joash was only seven years old, so the people of Judah appointed a regent to look after him.

Joker: But Joash grew up to be a great leader, and he restored the temple of the Lord.

Batman: Yes, and he was obedient to the Lord until his death.

Robin: A story of faith and obedience, true to the end!