Batman: Robin, something's terribly wrong in Jerusalem! King Jehoram has died and his son, King Jehoram, has taken his place. Robin: Holy History, Batman! What happened? Batman: Evil deeds, Robin! Jehoram was an evil king who did not follow the Lord. He encouraged idolatry and sacrificed his own sons. He also oppressed the people of Judah and killed many of the prophets of the Lord. Robin: What a terrible shame! What did God do? Batman: He punished Jehoram by sending a plague to the land. Many of the people of Judah died because of it. The Lord also stirred up enemies against Jehoram and they attacked Jerusalem. Catwoman: What a disaster! What happened next? Batman: Jehoram was so desperate that he even resorted to sacrificing his own sons to appease the Lord. But it was too late. The Lord eventually brought an end to Jehoram's reign and the people of Judah began to follow the Lord again. Robin: I'm glad the people of Judah are back on the right path! Batman: Indeed, Robin, indeed.