Batman: Greetings, Robin! It appears we have arrived at the Book of 2 Chronicles. Chapter 15, to be exact.
Robin: What does this chapter tell us, Batman?
Batman: Well, Robin, it tells us that King Asa of Judah was a righteous man and followed the Lord. He was so devoted, in fact, that he removed all the idols from the land, and anyone who refused to follow the Lord he banished from the kingdom.
Catwoman: What a noble man! I must say, I’m impressed.
Batman: He was a very wise and courageous ruler. He also made alliances with other nations, so that his people would be safe from attack.
Riddler: It sounds like King Asa was a very wise ruler indeed.
Batman: He was indeed, Riddler. He even rebuilt the fortified cities of Judah, so that they would be prepared in case of attack.
Robin: What a remarkable man! It’s no wonder he was so successful.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. His reign was peaceful and prosperous. He was truly a great king!