Folks, listen up. My father used to say that 2 Chronicles 15 was a story about a man named Asa. See here, Jack, Asa was a righteous king who made a covenant with God and removed all the idols from the land of Judah. He encouraged the people to seek God, so like, no malarkey, the Lord gave them rest from their enemies. I tell you what, here's the deal. He even deposed his own grandmother from her position as queen mother because she had made an idol for worship. Excuse me, but it was literally a big deal back then. Anyway, Asa gathered the people together and they all agreed to seek God with all their hearts. C'mon, man, they even made a covenant, swearing that they would serve the Lord with all their strength and might. And let me tell you, it worked! The Lord gave them peace and security, and there was no war until the end of Asa's reign. Or uh, you know, I'm not joking. So, that's the story of 2 Chronicles 15. Have you got it? What was that? Oh, I see, you want me to sum it up. Alright, here you go. 2 Chronicles 15 is about a king who made a covenant with God and brought peace to the people of Judah. That's it. Now, I'm done.