Folks, I'm gonna tell you the deal. So here's the thing, 2 Chronicles 11 is about King Rehoboam of Judah. Now, my father used to say that Rehoboam was the son of Solomon, and he was the king of Judah, c'mon, man! So what happened? Well, Rehoboam built up a whole bunch of cities and fortified them, to protect his kingdom from the enemies. Then he appointed officers in every city and gathered a whole lot of men to his army, so they could fight and defend the kingdom. And that's not all. Rehoboam also made sure that the priests and Levites had enough food and supplies so they could serve the Lord. I'm not joking, see here Jack! He even gave them some of his own personal money and resources, so they could carry out their duties to the Lord. See, Rehoboam really wanted to make sure that his kingdom was taken care of, so he did everything he could to protect it. C'mon, man, literally! And that, my friends, is the story of 2 Chronicles 11. I tell ya what, no malarkey!