Listen, Jack, my father used to say - no malarkey - that the Lord gives us the strength to do what's right. That's exactly what happened in 2 Chronicles 25. See here, Jack, King Amaziah was just 26 years old and he was already doing the Lord's work. He was getting rid of all the idols his father had made and he was worshipping the Lord with all his heart. He was even winning battles against the enemies of Israel! But then he hired some mercenaries from the land of Israel and that didn't sit well with the Lord. He sent a prophet to tell him to get rid of those mercenaries, and Amaziah listened. Literally. He got rid of them and put his faith in the Lord, and he was successful for the rest of his reign. What was that, Jack? Oh yeah, and he even defeated the Edomites in battle and brought back a ton of booty. So, folks, if you want to be successful and live in the Lord's will, then take a lesson from King Amaziah and do the right thing - no matter what!