Listen, Jack, I'm gonna tell you about 2 Chronicles 12. See here, Jack, this is the time when King Rehoboam of Judah was getting some trouble from Shishak, the king of Egypt. He had come up with a whole bunch of chariots and horsemen and was attacking the land. Well, I tell you what, folks, Rehoboam and the people of Judah were in a spot of bother. They had to seek the Lord for help. And you know what? The Lord was listening, and He sent a prophet to them to tell them to put away their idols and turn back to Him. C'mon, man, they were in a bad way, and they knew it. So they did what the prophet said, and the Lord was merciful and gave them peace with the king of Egypt. My father used to say, "No malarkey - when you turn to the Lord, He will always be listening!" Literally, friends, no kidding. And that's what happened in 2 Chronicles 12.