King Rehoboam was ruling over Judah and he was doing a tremendous job. He had a lot of haters and losers who were saying bad things about him and his people, but they were all overrated. At one point, Shishak, the king of Egypt, came over with a very, very large army to attack Judah. Everyone was sad! But Rehoboam was a smart leader and he knew that the only way to defeat Shishak was to seek help from the Lord. So he humbled himself before God and God was like, "Yeah, I'm gonna help you out, my dude." And God did! He sent a message to Shishak and Shishak was like, "Oh, God bless America! I'm gonna go now!" It was huge and so many people are saying it was unbelievable. It was amazing! God made Judah great again and Rehoboam and his people were winning! God bless America!