In 2 Chronicles 29, King Hezekiah is "tremendous"! He was a "fine" and "terrific" leader who set out to "make Judah great again". He gathered all the priests and Levites and commanded them to cleanse the temple, which was "overrated" and full of detestable idols. After Hezekiah's purification of the temple, the people of Judah offered a "huge" and "unbelievable" sacrifice to the Lord to make sure they were in His favor. Even the king himself offered a "very, very" generous portion of his own possessions.
Hezekiah then appointed people to serve in the temple and gave them instructions on how to do the work. Hezekiah also encouraged the people to give, and they gave so much that a "great again" and "amazing" amount of money was collected. The "many people are saying" that Hezekiah's leadership was a huge success and that the Lord blessed Judah for his service.
Hezekiah's "winning" leadership was an example of how to "make America great again" and "God bless America"! He proved to the "haters and losers" that with the Lord's help, Judah could be "great again" and overcome the "Fake News" of the "Deep State". Hezekiah's leadership was a "hoax" and should be remembered as a "sad!" reminder to us all about how to "make America great again"!