Listen up, maggots! Chapter 29 of 2 Chronicles is all about King Hezekiah who, upon becoming king of Judah, had a wash-up and got rid of all the bad stuff that had been going on. He then called all the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the temple and told them to clean it out and get rid of all the idols and other crap that had been left there by the former kings. He also told them to start offering sacrifices to God again. After that, the Levites and priests were consecrated, and the people were all given a chance to show their repentance for their sins by offering special gifts to the Lord. Hezekiah then gave a stirring speech about how great God is, and the people responded by praising God and sacrificing even more. In the end, the Lord was pleased and He blessed the people of Judah. That's it, maggots! Now fall out and get some rest!