Listen up, maggots! 2 Chronicles 2 is all about King Solomon getting ready to build a temple for the Lord. He sends his servant, the architect Huram, to find the best timber and stone from the region of Lebanon. Solomon also sends a message to Huram, telling him that he wants to build a temple for the Lord. Huram agrees and sends back a message to Solomon, saying that he will need a lot of workers to help build the temple. So, Solomon hires a bunch of workers and then sends them off to Lebanon to get the materials needed for the temple. He also sends a message to Huram asking him to build the temple according to the instructions that God gave to Moses. Huram agrees and sends back a message saying he will do everything according to Solomon's wishes. So, that's it in a nutshell! 2 Chronicles 2 is all about Solomon preparing to build the temple for the Lord. Now get to work!