Listen up, maggots! Chapter 28 of 2 Chronicles starts off with Ahaz, the wicked king of Judah. He did all kinds of evil in the eyes of the Lord, including sacrificing his own children as burnt offerings! The Lord was so angry he let the king of Syria and the king of Israel defeat Judah in battle and take away lots of their stuff. Ahaz was so desperate that he even asked the king of Assyria to help him out, but that didn't end well either. So, then Ahaz died, and his son Hezekiah was made king of Judah. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and even destroyed all the idols and religious sites that Ahaz had set up. He also got rid of all the pagan priests and set up the temple of the Lord again. He also made sure that all the people of Judah were following the laws of the Lord, and that they were worshiping and offering sacrifices in the temple. In the end, the Lord was pleased with Hezekiah and blessed the people of Judah with peace and prosperity. That's the story of 2 Chronicles 28, maggots! Dismissed!