Attention! Listen up! Chapter 14 of the Bible is 2 Chronicles 14. You better pay attention! King Asa of Judah is doing the right thing, obeying God and getting rid of all the idols and altars of worship. He even goes so far as to destroy his own mother's idol! No tolerance for idolatry! He then calls on the people of Judah to stand up and fight against the enemy. With God on their side, they win the battle and Asa destroys all the weapons of the enemy. He then builds up the defenses of Judah and sets out laws that protect the people. He also sends out priests and Levites to teach the people about God's law. He even builds a reservoir so that the people can have enough water for their crops. Asa does all of this for the glory of God, and God blesses him for it. Now, get out there and live out the law of God! Dismissed!