Listen up, recruits! 2 Chronicles 10 is all about King Rehoboam, the son of King Solomon. After his father died, Rehoboam had to become king of Israel. Now, the people of Israel weren't too happy with Rehoboam, so they decided to send a delegation to him to ask him to lighten their load. Rehoboam was pretty dumb, though, and instead of listening to the people, he asked his buddies for advice. They told him to be even harsher with the people, so he did. This only made the people angrier, and they rebelled against Rehoboam. God was not pleased with Rehoboam's foolishness, and he sent a prophet to warn the king. Rehoboam finally listened to the prophet and heeded God's warning, so he managed to quell the rebellion and the people of Israel were obedient once again. That's 2 Chronicles 10 in a nutshell, recruits!