Listen, Jack, c'mon, man. This Bible chapter is all about Solomon and his plan to build a Temple to honor God, no malarkey. My father used to say that Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived, and I tell you what, he was right about that. He sent for workers from all over the place - from Lebanon, Tyre, and even Egypt - and he made deals with them so he could get the materials he needed. He was literally the king of deals. He was also making sacrifices and offerings to God, and building a huge altar so he could do that. Here's the deal: the Temple was a big project that took a lot of work and a lot of money, but Solomon was up to the task. See here, Jack, no one could ever deny his commitment to the Lord. Or, uh, you know, his commitment to completing the Temple. Not gonna happen - he didn't give up and he followed through on his plan. Excuse me, but that was something that happened a long time ago, and we can still learn a lot from it. What was that? That's right - it's never too late to honor God.