Folks, I tell you what, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie, the Bible says that a long, long time ago, King Solomon literally moved the Ark of the Covenant into the temple in Jerusalem. My father used to say that it was a big deal, and they celebrated with lots of music and singing - no malarkey! See here, Jack, they even used cymbals, harps, and trumpets! And what was that? They had 120 priests and Levites blowing trumpets! C'mon, man, I'm not joking! Listen, Jack, the Ark was placed in the Most Holy Place and the priests and Levites sacrificed thousands of sheep and oxen. It was a great day for the people of Israel, literally. So, uh, you know, don't miss the lesson here: no matter how long ago it was, God's Word still stands today. Not gonna happen that we forget it!