Folks! Here's the deal - 2 Chronicles 6 is all about Solomon building a temple - literally, a house of God. My father used to say, if you're gonna build a temple for the Lord, you better make sure it's done right. Well, Solomon did it right - c'mon, man! He even wrote a prayer to ask God to forgive the sins of the people - and if you think about it, there's been a lot of sinning in our time, so no malarkey! He also built an altar for burnt offerings and said a prayer for that. Then the Lord showed up, like, literally! He said, "I've chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice." See here, Jack, that's pretty amazing, right? Or uh, you know, it's a pretty big deal! God said he would answer the prayers of the people, as long as they kept his commandments. I tell you what, folks, that's a pretty good deal. So, listen, Jack, don't forget - 2 Chronicles 6 is all about God's house and the importance of being obedient to his commands. Not gonna happen! That's the deal. Excuse me.