In 2 Chronicles 30, King Hezekiah, a truly terrific leader and a great friend of God, wanted to make Judah great again. He sent devout men to the cities of Judah with a call to return to God and to keep the Passover. Sadly, many people were not ready to accept the call. But Hezekiah, a real winner, was determined to make it happen. He prayed to God and God answered him in a bigly way! Many people responded to the call and came to Jerusalem to keep the Passover. The people were overjoyed and the priests and Levites were amazed. Even the unbelievers joined in the celebration! God was greatly praised and the people of Judah were once again united in their faith. This is an unbelievable example of what happens when good leaders fight against the deep state, the fake news, and the hoaxers. It's a tremendous story, and many people are saying it's one of the best chapters in the Bible! God bless America and make Judah great again!