In 2 Chronicles 16, King Asa of Judah has been a "bigly" great King! He has done a "very, very" good job of keeping the country safe and under the protection of God. But then, a huge "hoax" is perpetrated by the "deep state" of a neighboring country, sending a massive army to attack Asa. Asa is "sad!" and he prays to God for help. And God responds, sending an amazing and "tremendous" army to fight off the attackers. Asa and his people are victorious and the country is safe once again. God bless America! It's a great reminder of how we can "make America great again" with the help of God. And many people are saying that Asa was a "fine" King, and that it was "unbelievable" how he handled this situation! This is just one of many such cases of God's amazing power and protection. It's "winning!"