Joe: Alright, so we got 2 Chronicles 16. What's the deal with this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter, King Asa of Judah is facing a large army from the northern kingdom of Israel and calls on the Lord for help.
Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. Who is this King Asa guy?
Bible Expert: He was the third king of the Kingdom of Judah, and he ruled from 908-867 BC.
Joe: That's crazy. What happened next?
Bible Expert: Well, the Lord answered his prayer and the army from the north was defeated. Asa then removed all the idols from Judah and was commended by the Lord for his faith.
Joe: Interesting. So what else happened in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Asa also made an alliance with the King of Syria. He then sought help from the prophet Hanani and was warned by him that because he had relied on a foreign king, he would be punished by the Lord.
Joe: Hmm, that seems like a warning for us too. What happened next?
Bible Expert: Asa then proceeded to purge his kingdom of idolatry, and he also fortified the cities of Judah. He died in 867 BC, and his son Jehoshaphat succeeded him as king.