Joe: Alright, so what's happening in 2 Chronicles 8?
Bible Expert: Well, it's about King Solomon and how he finishes building the temple that his father King David started. He also builds several other structures in Jerusalem, and assembles all the priests and Levites for a dedication ceremony.
Joe: Whoa, that sounds like a big undertaking! How long did this take?
Bible Expert: It took him seven years.
Joe: Seven years?! That's a long time. So what happened after that?
Bible Expert: Well, after the dedication, he held a massive feast that lasted 14 days. He also made a special offering of 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep, and had chariots and horsemen to bring supplies to Jerusalem from the other cities.
Joe: Wow, that's a lot of animals! So did King Solomon do anything else?
Bible Expert: Yes, he built several cities and fortified them with walls, and also built chariot cities. He also had a fleet of ships in the Mediterranean that carried cargos from Tarshish to other ports.
Joe: That's incredible! What else happened in 2 Chronicles 8?
Bible Expert: Well, Solomon renewed an alliance with King Hiram of Tyre, and they exchanged gifts. He also made a treaty with King Pharaoh of Egypt. Finally, he made changes to the division of the priests and Levites, and appointed them to their various duties.
Joe: Wow, that's a lot of stuff! I'm sure glad I'm not the king.