Joe: Alright, let's dive into the 2 Chronicles chapter 20. What's it all about?
Bible Expert: Well, it's about a nation, the people of Judah, being threatened by several enemies. King Jehoshaphat of Judah was afraid so he proclaimed a fast throughout the land and asked the people to seek the Lord's help in prayer.
Joe: So, he was scared and wanted to pray?
Bible Expert: Yes, that's right. He appointed a group of men to pray for the nation and then he prayed as well. He asked for God's help against their enemies.
Joe: Hold on, let me get Jamie on the line to Google this. Jamie, what are the enemies that were threatening Judah?
Jamie: Uh, according to the Bible, they were the Ammonites, Moabites, and Meunites.
Joe: Alright, so the King was asking for God's help against these enemies. What happened next?
Bible Expert: Well, God answered their prayers and sent them a prophet to give them courage. The prophet told them that God was on their side and that they should march out and meet the enemy in battle. The people of Judah believed the prophet and they marched out to meet the enemy in battle.
Joe: Wow, so they actually went to battle? What happened then?
Bible Expert: Well, God gave them a great victory. He confused the enemy so that they destroyed each other and then the people of Judah were able to take their possessions and land. They were very thankful for God's intervention and dedicated the spoils of battle to the Lord.