Joe: Alright, so we got 2 Chronicles 22. What's the deal with that chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, the chapter is the account of the reign of King Ahaziah of Judah. He was the youngest son of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel who reigned over Israel. He was only twenty-two years old when he began to reign.
Joe: Wow, he was really young!
Bible Expert: Yes, he was. He followed in the footsteps of his father and mother, who were notorious for their idolatry and wickedness. He did what was evil in the Lord's sight and followed the example of his father and mother.
Joe: That's pretty wild. What happened next? Jehu, a commander in the army of Israel, was anointed by God to overthrow the house of Ahab. So he killed Ahaziah and all of his family, thus ending the reign of the house of Ahab.
Joe: Wow, that's intense. So what happened after that?
Bible Expert: After that, Ahaziah's sister, Athaliah, seized the throne and reigned for six years. She continued in the same wickedness that her brother had done. But then, Ahaziah's son, Joash, was rescued and crowned king. He was only seven years old at the time. He was a good and righteous king and he reigned for forty years.