(Batman and Robin enter the scene)
Batman: Greetings, Robin, it appears a great event has taken place.
Robin: What is it, Batman?
Batman: An envoy of the Queen of Sheba has come to King Solomon to learn of his wisdom.
Robin: Wow, that's amazing! What happened next?
Batman: Well, the Queen of Sheba was amazed by all of Solomon's wisdom, and in return, she gave him many gifts, including gold, spices, and precious stones.
Robin: Wow, Solomon must have been so excited!
Batman: Indeed he was, Robin. He was so pleased with the Queen of Sheba's gifts, he gave her all that she desired. And then, Solomon's fame spread throughout the land.
Robin: Amazing! What else happened?
Batman: Well, King Solomon became even wealthier and his kingdom flourished. He had many ships and his wealth was so great, it was said that the silver was as common as stones in Jerusalem. He also had a great number of chariots and horsemen.
Robin: Impressive!
Batman: Indeed it is. And now let's work to ensure that Solomon's kingdom remains prosperous. To the Batcave!