Peter: Alright, you guys, it's time for our summary of 2 Chronicles 13. Lois: Wow, time flies when you're having fun!
Brian: Yeah, but this chapter isn't gonna be much fun. It's all about how King Abijah of Judah rallied his troops to fight against King Jeroboam's army of Israel.
Stewie: Oh, great. Another battle. By the way, did you guys see the new Star Wars movie?
Peter: Uh, Stewie, we're not talking about Star Wars right now. We're talking about the Bible.
Lois: Peter's right. So, Abijah had an army of 400,000, but Jeroboam had an army of 800,000. Even so, Abijah's army was victorious because they trusted in the Lord.
Brian: Yeah, they shouted, “The Lord is our God! He will fight for us!” Then the Lord defeated Jeroboam's army and Abijah's army captured all their chariots and horses.
Stewie: Wow, that's pretty impressive. But I still think the new Star Wars movie was better.