Robin: Holy Historians, Batman! We've arrived at 1 Chronicles 24! Batman: Holy moly, Robin! This chapter is a lot to unpack! Let's get started and see what we can learn. Joker: Don't forget to include me! I'm always up for some knowledge! Batman: Alright, Joker, but stay on your toes. This chapter is all about the divisions of the priests and Levites. Robin: So, there are lots of details about the various divisions and the tasks they each perform. Catwoman: You mean I won't get to hear about any exciting adventures? Batman: Not this time, Catwoman. But, it is important to understand how the priests and Levites were organized to serve the Lord. Riddler: That's not quite as thrilling as a riddle, but I suppose it does have its merits. Penguin: I say we move on to the next chapter and get back to the action! Batman: Patience, Penguin! We need to make sure we understand all the information in this chapter first. Robin: That's right! We want to make sure we have a good grasp of the divisions of the priests and Levites before we move on.